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Promotion Cycle

The perfect cycle

All digital channels must be equipped with tools that allow capturing and converting visitors into customers. It is vital to provide useful content, which promotes the response to existing needs, but also the construction of a continuous relationship based on different ways of communicating.

How to integrate and manage

Not all websites are the same. The GISP 4.0 base platform is based on a world-leading CMS platform, but provides it with security and management tools that allow the website to be appealing, simple to manage, always current and, above all, with all the levels of security required in current times. A G-Web site is safer, more current and capable of responding to all legal requirements arising from the GDPR.

Generate and manage an integrated digital presence

The Methodology

Although we use a basic development and implementation method, based on several years of experience, we know that each client has their own specificities, and continuous adaptation to internal and external reality is the only way to guarantee results.

Based on Agile Methodology (Agile) and a complete vertical structure for an optimized result

A website today cannot be a sealed product. In addition to the constant transformations of the target audience, technical transformations and the technological environment change at an increasingly accelerated pace. Today, the development of a website involves security concerns, both at the application layer and with the hosting infrastructure itself, which make an increasingly comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of multiple areas that were previously perfectly distinct. If we want the website to remain online for an extended period of time, we know that it is vital to keep it updated and monitored from a technical point of view, otherwise, more than becoming obsolete in terms of language and communication, it will become insecure. , vulnerable and the gateway to problems that will quickly outweigh its benefits.